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那就来谈谈clarity吧_clarity clarity

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简介那就来谈谈clarity吧_clarity clarity       希望我能够为您提供一些与那就来谈谈clarity吧相关的信息和建议。如果您有任何疑问或需要更深入的解释,请告诉我。1.钻石好坏的鉴别

那就来谈谈clarity吧_clarity clarity





4.关于钻石:纠结于GIA证书中的一项:clarity characteristics 是Twinning Wisp

5.钻石最好是什么级别 钻石什么级别的比较好

那就来谈谈clarity吧_clarity clarity






       切工:VG ?抛光:EX ?对称:VG

       切工不是完美,EX=Excellent 完美的意思 ?VG=Very Good 很好,但以专业角度来说VG的切工和对称的钻石还是有瑕疵的,这产生于主原料和切割问题。

       一般好的钻石都要有3EX 也就是切工,抛光,对称都要完美


























       Style Toward Clarity and grace ? ------by Joseph M. Williams

        作者开篇的声明可以说非常有野心:1.?the standard books on style don't go much beyond high mindedness. They are all for accuracy, brevity, clarity, and so forth, but beyond offering good and bad examples, none of them explains how to achieve those ends . (看来作者有信心教会读者在写作中如何做到准确,简洁,清晰) 2.?the standard books gesture toward audiences, but none of them explains in detail how a writer must anticipate what readers look for as they make their way through complex, usually unfamiliar material. (作者特别关注如何写作本身就比较复杂的主题,比如各种专业知识)3.?the standard books seem wholly innocent of recent work done in the cognitive sciences. (作者参考了最新的认知科学的研究,用于指导如何使写作变得更加准确易懂)

        本书的目标包括:1.?to explain how writers can improve the style and the structure of their reports, analyses, articles, memoranda, proposals, monographs, books;? to show how a writer quickly and efficiently transforms a rough first draft into a version crafted for the reader . 2.?So we explain how bad?writing results from different causes and how writers can diagnose different problems and overcome them. 3.?It is important for everyone?to understand not only its social origins but its social?consequences:?if you are unable to understand an article or monograph, it is not necessarily because you are incompetent, but because its author couldn't write clearly. That liberation is a valuable experience.

        关于本书的读法,作者的建议是:1.?You should understand that this book is not an easy afternoon read;(这不是一本轻松的下午消遣读物) 2.?We suggest you read this book a short section at a time, then look at your own writing or the writing of others (建议每读一小节就停下来,根据该小节的内容,检视一下自己或他人的写作):?If you think the writing is unclear in the ways we describe, revise it using the principle in question. If you think it is clear, revise it by reversing the principles and make the passage worse; 3.?Under no circumstances try to devour this book in a sitting. (绝不要一口气狼吞虎咽地读完全书)

        作者善意地提醒:1.?Do not take what we offer here as draconian rules of composition, but rather as diagnostic principles of interpretation.(本书提供的不是教条行的规则,而是一些诊断性的原则,可以启发作者从读者的角度去理解自己写作的内容) 2.?We are our own worst editors because we know too much about our subject to experience vicariously how a reader largely innocent of our knowledge will read. (作者通常无法有效扮演自己的编辑)



       ls that Mr. Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire? - 那不是Pamberley的Darcy先生吗? - 就是他

       l believe so. 我必须把自己介绍给他

       l must make myself known to him immediately.

       But, sir. He is the nephew of my esteemed... 他是我的女守护人Catherine夫人的侄子

       patroness, Lady Catherine.

       Mr. Collins, he will consider it an impertinence. 他会认为你很莽撞的

       Mr. Darcy. Darcy先生

       Mr. Darcy. Darcy先生

       Darcy先生 晚上好

       Mr. Darcy.

       Good evening. 你的亲戚还真有趣

       What interesting relatives you he, Miss Elizabeth.

       (Collins) l believe we he a mutual acquaintance...

       in the personage of Lady Catherine de Bourg?

       The plough

       and hoe

       Mary dear, you've delighted us long enough. Mary亲爱的 你的琴声已经取悦我们很久了

       Let the other young ladies he a turn. 让其他的**们弹弹吧

       (Bingley) l had her since l was a child and then she died. 我还是个孩子时 她就死了

       Now l he a beautiful gray. 我有一根很漂亮的灰头发

       Of course, Caroline's a much better rider than l am. Of course. Caroline骑马比我骑的好多了

       Oh, yes, we fully expect a most advantageous marriage. 好的 我们就期待这场很有利的联姻吧

       And my Jane marrying this young man... 我的Jane 嫁得如此好 会为她的妹妹们铺好路的

       must throw her sisters in the way of other rich men.

       Clearly my family are hing a competition... 很明显 我们家今晚出尽了洋相

       to see who can expose themselves to the most ridicule.

       Well, at least Bingley has not noticed. - 至少 Bingley 先生没有注意到 - 没有

       No. l think he likes her very much. But does she like him?

       - 我觉得他很喜欢她 - 可是她喜欢他吗?

       There are few of us who are secure enough... 爱一个人是需要旁人鼓励的

       to be really in love without proper encouragement.

       Bingley likes her enormously... Bingley爱她爱得深沉

       but might not do more if she does not help him on. 但也许以后就不爱了 如果她没点表示的话

       But she's just shy and modest. 她只是害羞罢了 如果他觉察不出她 的情愫 那他真傻得可以

       lf he cannot perceive her regard, he is a fool.

       We are all fools in love. 恋爱的人都是傻瓜

       He does not know her character as we do. 他不像我们这样了解她的性格

       She should move fast, snap him up. 她得发起猛攻 抓住他不放

       There is plenty of time for us to get to know them... 之后我们就会有很多时间来了解他

       after we're married.

       Can't help feeling that at any point this evening... 我不禁觉得有人放了一群小猪 出来

       someone's going to produce a piglet and make us chase it.


       Oh, dear. - 天哪 - 对不起 先生

       l do apologize, sir. l'm awfully sorry.

       Do forgive me. 真是抱歉 请原谅

       (woman) Thank you.

       Emily 别!

       Mary. Mary 我亲爱的Mary. 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的

       There, there. There, there, there.

       l've been practicing it all week. (Bennet) l know, my dear. - 我练习了一整周了 - 我知道 亲爱的

       (Mary) l hate balls! 我讨厌舞会

       Mr. Bennet, wake up. Bennet先生 醒醒

       (Mrs. Bennet) Oh, l've never had such a good time.... 哦 今天真是太高兴了!

       Charles, you cannot be serious. Charles你不会是认真的吧

       We'll be hing a wedding here at Netherfield... Bennet先生 我想3个月内他们就会举行婚礼

       in less than three months, if you ask me, Mr. Bennet.

       (Mrs. Bennet) Mr. Bennet! Bennet先生!

       Mary, please. Mary 别弹了

       Thank you, Mr. Hill. 谢谢Hill先生

       Mrs. Bennet... Bennet先生 希望没给您添麻烦

       l was hoping, if it would not trouble you, that l might solicit...

       a private audience with Miss Elizabeth... 我想和Elizabeth**单独谈谈

       in the course of the morning.

       (Mrs. Bennet) Oh, yes. Certainly. 当然可以 Lizzie会很乐意的

       Lizzie will be very hy indeed. Everyone, out.

       Mr. Collins would like a private audience with your sister. 所有人都出去 collins先生 想和你们的姐姐单独谈谈

       No, no, wait, please. l beg you. 等等 Collins先生 和我好像没什么私房话可说吧

       Mr. Collins can he nothing to say to me...

       that anybody need not hear. No nonsense, Lizzie.

       l desire you will stay where you are. 你待在这儿别动 其他人到客厅去

       Everyone else to the drawing room.

       Mr. Bennet? But.... - Bennet先生 - 可...

       Now. 马上

       Jane. Jane. - Jane Jane 别走... Jane! - Jane

       Jane, please, don't.

       Jane? Jane.

       Papa, stay. 爸爸 留下

       Were it not for the presence... 他成为一位真正的绅士

       at Netherfield of a certain gentleman.

       Which is my primary object of the evening. 这也是我的主要目标

       That gentleman barely warrants the name. 真正的绅士是不计较门第的

       lt is my intention, if l may be so bold... 我想冒昧的请求

       to remain close to you throughout the evening. 今晚一整晚您都做我的舞伴好吗

       May l he the next dance, Miss Elizabeth? 我能和您跳下一只舞吗 Elizabeth**?

       You may. 可以

       Did l just agree to dance with Mr. Darcy? - 我刚才同意了和Darcy先生跳舞? - 我敢说你会发现他很和蔼的

       l daresay you will find him very amiable, Lizzie.

       lt would be most inconvenient... 这真是不便 我才发誓恨他一辈子的

       since l he sworn to loathe him for all eternity.

       l love this dance. lndeed. Most invigorating. - 我爱这只舞 - 的确 太令人振奋了

       lt is your turn to say something, Mr. Darcy. 该你说话了 Darcy先生

       l talked about the dance, now you ought to remark... 我说的是跳舞

       on the size of the room or the number of couples. 你可以对房间的大小或 情侣的数量作评论

       l am perfectly hy to oblige. 我很愿意接受 您最想知道什么?

       Please advise me of what you would like most to hear.

       That reply will do for present. 您的回复只对现在起作用

       Perhaps by and by, l may observe that private balls... 我渐渐发现

       are much pleasanter than public ones. 私人舞会比公开舞会要有趣的多

       For now we may remain silent. 现在 我们还是什么都不说算了

       Do you talk, as a rule, while dancing? 您跳舞的时候非讲话不可吗?

       No. 不 不 我喜欢独处 沉默

       No, l prefer to be unsociable and taciturn.

       Makes it all so much more enjoyable, don't you think? 这使得一切更有趣 不是吗?

       Tell me, do you and your sisters very often walk to Meryton? 我想知道你和你的姐妹们 经常去马里顿吗?

       Yes, we often walk to Meryton. 是的 我们经常去马里顿

       lt's a great opportunity to meet new people. 这样我们结交了很多人

       ln fact, when you met us, we'd just had the pleasure... 您见到我们时 我们正在结交 新朋友

       of forming a new acquaintance.

       Mr. Wickham is blessed with such hy manners... Wickham先生仪表翩翩 他就是你们结交的朋友吧

       he is sure of making friends.

       Whether he's capable of retaining them is less certain. 但他很少能保持这份友谊

       He's been so unfortunate as to lose your friendship. 他失去了您的友谊真是不幸 这是不可改变的吗?

       And l daresay that is an irreversible event?

       lt is. Why do you ask such a question? - 是的 您为什么这么问? - 我想弄清您的性格

       To make out your character, Mr. Darcy.

       And what he you discovered? Very little. - 你发现了什么? - 收效甚微

       l hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly. 最近的一些传闻使我对您很迷惑

       l hope to afford you more clarity in the future. 我希望您以后能更加鲜明地 对您展示我的性格

       ls that Mr. Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire? - 那不是Pamberley的Darcy先生吗? - 就是他

       l believe so. 我必须把自己介绍给他

       l must make myself known to him immediately.

       But, sir. He is the nephew of my esteemed... 他是我的女守护人Catherine夫人的侄子

       patroness, Lady Catherine.

       Mr. Collins, he will consider it an impertinence. 他会认为你很莽撞的

       Mr. Darcy. Darcy先生

       Mr. Darcy. Darcy先生

       Darcy先生 晚上好

       Mr. Darcy.

       Good evening. 你的亲戚还真有趣

       What interesting relatives you he, Miss Elizabeth.

       (Collins) l believe we he a mutual acquaintance...

       in the personage of Lady Catherine de Bourg?

       The plough

       and hoe

       Mary dear, you've delighted us long enough. Mary亲爱的 你的琴声已经取悦我们很久了

       Let the other young ladies he a turn. 让其他的**们弹弹吧

       (Bingley) l had her since l was a child and then she died. 我还是个孩子时 她就死了

       Now l he a beautiful gray. 我有一根很漂亮的灰头发

       Of course, Caroline's a much better rider than l am. Of course. Caroline骑马比我骑的好多了

       Oh, yes, we fully expect a most advantageous marriage. 好的 我们就期待这场很有利的联姻吧

       And my Jane marrying this young man... 我的Jane 嫁得如此好 会为她的妹妹们铺好路的

       must throw her sisters in the way of other rich men.

       Clearly my family are hing a competition... 很明显 我们家今晚出尽了洋相

       to see who can expose themselves to the most ridicule.

       Well, at least Bingley has not noticed. - 至少 Bingley 先生没有注意到 - 没有

       No. l think he likes her very much. But does she like him?

       - 我觉得他很喜欢她 - 可是她喜欢他吗?

       There are few of us who are secure enough... 爱一个人是需要旁人鼓励的

       to be really in love without proper encouragement.

       Bingley likes her enormously... Bingley爱她爱得深沉

       but might not do more if she does not help him on. 但也许以后就不爱了 如果她没点表示的话

       But she's just shy and modest. 她只是害羞罢了 如果他觉察不出她 的情愫 那他真傻得可以

       lf he cannot perceive her regard, he is a fool.

       We are all fools in love. 恋爱的人都是傻瓜

       He does not know her character as we do. 他不像我们这样了解她的性格

       She should move fast, snap him up. 她得发起猛攻 抓住他不放

       There is plenty of time for us to get to know them... 之后我们就会有很多时间来了解他

       after we're married.

       Can't help feeling that at any point this evening... 我不禁觉得有人放了一群小猪 出来

       someone's going to produce a piglet and make us chase it.


       Oh, dear. - 天哪 - 对不起 先生

       l do apologize, sir. l'm awfully sorry.

       Do forgive me. 真是抱歉 请原谅

       (woman) Thank you.

       Emily 别!

       Mary. Mary 我亲爱的Mary. 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的

       There, there. There, there, there.

       l've been practicing it all week. (Bennet) l know, my dear. - 我练习了一整周了 - 我知道 亲爱的

       (Mary) l hate balls! 我讨厌舞会

       Mr. Bennet, wake up. Bennet先生 醒醒

       (Mrs. Bennet) Oh, l've never had such a good time.... 哦 今天真是太高兴了!

       Charles, you cannot be serious. Charles你不会是认真的吧

       We'll be hing a wedding here at Netherfield... Bennet先生 我想3个月内他们就会举行婚礼

       in less than three months, if you ask me, Mr. Bennet.

       (Mrs. Bennet) Mr. Bennet! Bennet先生!

       Mary, please. Mary 别弹了

       Thank you, Mr. Hill. 谢谢Hill先生

       Mrs. Bennet... Bennet先生 希望没给您添麻烦

       l was hoping, if it would not trouble you, that l might solicit...

       a private audience with Miss Elizabeth... 我想和Elizabeth**单独谈谈

       in the course of the morning.

       (Mrs. Bennet) Oh, yes. Certainly. 当然可以 Lizzie会很乐意的

       Lizzie will be very hy indeed. Everyone, out.

       Mr. Collins would like a private audience with your sister. 所有人都出去 collins先生 想和你们的姐姐单独谈谈

       No, no, wait, please. l beg you. 等等 Collins先生 和我好像没什么私房话可说吧

       Mr. Collins can he nothing to say to me...

       that anybody need not hear. No nonsense, Lizzie.

       l desire you will stay where you are. 你待在这儿别动 其他人到客厅去

       Everyone else to the drawing room.

       Mr. Bennet? But.... - Bennet先生 - 可...

       Now. 马上

       Jane. Jane. - Jane Jane 别走... Jane! - Jane

       Jane, please, don't.

       Jane? Jane.

       Papa, stay. 爸爸 留下

关于钻石:纠结于GIA证书中的一项:clarity characteristics 是Twinning Wisp

       1 铂金(Platinum,简称Pt),是一种天然生成的白色贵金属。国家规定只有铂金含量在850%。以及上的首饰才能被称为铂金首饰,并必须带有Pt标志。铂金首饰通常带有Pt850、Pt900、Pt950、或Pt990的纯度标志。因此铂金首饰不存在所谓18K或750(即750%)纯度)。也就是说Pt950应该贵些~

       2 钻石分数 克拉重量钻石的重量级别:钻石重量以克拉来计算,1克拉等于0.2克,1克拉可分为100分,一颗0.5克拉的钻石常称为50分。钻石克拉重量的评价,一般5分为一个单价级别,如:5分—9分、10分—14分、15分—19。但1ct以上的钻石就称为大钻石了,几十克拉重的钻石,就相当的稀有,而价值连城。因而钻石的单位价格与钻石重量成正比。

       3 净度(Clarity)分级



       4 钻石的矿物学分







       5 钻石的分级(4C)


       6 颜色(Colour)分级







钻石最好是什么级别 钻石什么级别的比较好











       钻石有多种天然色泽,由珍贵的无色切磨后为白色,罕见的浅蓝、粉红到微黄不等。愈是明无色,白光愈是能穿透,经折射和色散更是缤纷多彩。钻石色泽分级是在专业实验室分级环境中,由技术人员将待分级钻石与标准色泽比色石反复对比而确定。 最白的钻石定为D级即从Diamond的第一个字母开始,D色最好100分。
