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ysladmin 2024-07-06 人已围观

简介business用法及固定搭配_business的固定搭配       大家好,今天我想和大家探讨一下“business用法及固定搭配”的应用场景。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了分类,现




2.He went to Shanghai _____ business. A.for B.in C.on

3.My father___on business for two weeks. He'll return in 3 days.




        ■in addition 加之,又,另外

        There was an earthquake and, in addition, there were tidal waves. 除了地震之外,还有海啸。

        You need money and time, in addition, you need diligence. 你需要金钱和时间,此外你还需要努力。

        ■in action 在活动中,在进行中,在运转中,在战斗中

        He was killed in action in France. 他在法国阵亡。

        The machine is now in action. 机器正在运转。

        I?ve heard he?s an excellent player but I?ve never seen him in action. 我听说他是位高手,但还从未实地见过。

        ■in advance 在前头,事先,预先

        Everything has been fixed in advance. 一切都预先安排好了。

        They will pay a hundred and thirty francs in advance. 他们将预付130法郎。

        ■in bulk 大量,大批

        If you buy in bulk, it?s 10% cheaper. 大量购买,9 折优惠。

        It comes cheaper if you buy things in bulk. 成批买东西就便宜些。

        ■in business 在经商

        He is no longer in business. 他不再经商。

        Most of my family are in business. 我们一家大多数经商。

        ■in case (用作连词,表目的或条件)以防;如果 (用作副词)以防万一

        You must take your umbrella in case it rains. 你要带雨伞,以防下雨。

        In case you see him, ask him about it. 如果你见着他,问问他这事。

        You?d better carry some money in case. 你最好带些钱,以防万一。

        ■in cash 用现金

        Would you pay me in cash, please? 请您付给我现金行吗?

        Are you paying by check or in cash? 你是用支票还是用现金付款?

        注表示?用现金(付款)?,英语通常用in cash,有时也用by cash,但是语习惯上不说with cash。如:

        Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash. 除非用信用卡付款,否则请付现金。

        The purchase price is less if you pay by cash. 付现金的话,价钱便宜些。

        ■in charge 主管,掌管,看管

        Who is in charge here? 谁是这里的负责人?

        I?d like to speak to the person in charge. 我想跟你们负责人说句话。

        ■in check 受抑制的,受控制的

        He held his anger in check. 他压住怒火。

        We?ve kept the disease in check for a year now. 我们控制住这种疾病至今已有一年了。

        ■in chorus 一齐,一致,共同

        All the students replied in chorus to the teacher?s question. 所有学生齐声回答老师的问题。

        ?Good morning, Mrs Fulton,? the children answered in chorus. ?早上好,富尔顿太太。?孩子们齐声回答道。

        ■in colour 在色彩方面;彩色的

        They vary in colour. 它们的颜色各不相同。

        All the pictures in this book are in colour. 这本书里的所有图画都是彩色的。

        ■in comfort 舒适地

        He lives in comfort in the country. 他在乡下过着舒适的生活。

        Our caravan sleeps six in comfort. 我们居住的拖车可舒舒服服地睡六个人。

        ■in company 一起,在一起

        We went in company. 我们一起去的。

        You must behave well in company. 与别人在一起时你必须守规矩。

He went to Shanghai _____ business. A.for B.in C.on

       整体看是主系表结构,Tom 是名词作主语, 且是第三人称单数, becomes 为系动词,也用三单形式,interested 是形容词作表语, 副词very修饰 形容词interested,very做状语,in是介词,后面接business这个名词作宾语。be interested in 对.....感兴趣,是固定搭配,一般不拆分。希望可以帮助到你。

My father___on business for two weeks. He'll return in 3 days.

       He went to Shanghai _____ business.

       A.for B.in C.on

       答案:选择C。on business表示“出差”的意思。中文意思为“他出差去上海”。

       for two weeks 完成时的标志

       后面 He'll return in 3 days ,说是他将在3年后回来

       这说明My father出差2个星期 还没回来

       Be on business 是固定搭配

       似乎答案有误 应该是 has been.
