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ysladmin 2024-07-14 人已围观

简介deltawing       好久不见了,今天我想和大家探讨一下关于“deltawing”的话题。如果你对这个领域还不太了解,那么这篇文章就是为你准备的,让我们一看看吧。1.请帮忙翻译2.各位高手,delta是什么意思3.帮我翻译成英语吧!拜托了!请








       Finally, you receive the goods counter this, we have no reason to explain. 这几天我到工厂,从新检查做好给你的A320 A330 A380 1/200。 In the past few days I went to the factory, the new check to you to do a good job of the A320 A330 A380 1 / 200. 也发现有这方面的问题。 There are also found in this area. 我正在做一些工具给工厂检测(A320 321三角翼的角度,380 1/200 1/100 三角翼的角度,发动机杆与机翼连接垂直的角度)我会负责任的把检测改进的情况给你知道。 I'm doing some testing tools to the factory (A320 321 delta-wing point of view, 380 1 / 200 1 / 100 of the delta-wing point of view, the engine under the wing to connect with the vertical angle) will be responsible of me to improve the detection of the situation to you知道.

       4月份你来厦门后,我已经对模型的各环节检验定专人负责。 You come to Xiamen in April, I have the model will be tested at various aspects of the person in charge.

       1 模具开发,成型由我负责,每一款模型生产前我都从新核对修正模具。 1 Dies development, I am responsible for the molding, each a pre-production model I have to check the new amendment to die. 换新的硅胶模后才生产。 Replacement of the silicone mold after the production.

       2 喷漆由一名从事多年的工人做专门的检验,从每一道工序到完成喷漆。 2 engaged in a painting by the years of specialized workers to do the test, every process to complete the painting.

       3 机身机翼尾翼角度由另一位专员负责装配和检验。 3 tail wing aircraft from the perspective of another commissioner in charge of assembling and testing.

       4 发动机,托杆与机翼连接,三角翼尾翼与机身连接,由一名工人专职制作。 4 engine, wing and shot up connection, delta-wing aircraft with the tail connected by a full-time production workers. (问题多数出在这里,按定位连接后胶水还未完全固化,移动时走位) (Most of the problems here, according to the position after the connection had yet to be fully cured glue, move-away)

       5 底座玻璃我们已经找到一家台湾在厦门的工厂,并做了一批A330规格存货,透明度非常好。 5 glass base, we have found a factory in Xiamen, Taiwan, and has done a number of stock specifications A330, transparency is very good. 金属杆和玻璃配合,标签我们会处理好。 With metal and glass, we will handle the label.

       6 机身与机翼的配合是每次提到的问题,我现在考虑先用这样的办法解决:工厂检验后,我在去检验一次,并在每台机身与机翼贴上编号。 6, with the wings and fuselage is mentioned every time, I now consider using such a solution: the factory inspection, I go in the first test, and on each wing and fuselage paste code. 按出货时间,型号。 According to the shipping time model. 编码登记存档,你收到后如有问题拍照后传照片给我。 Code registered, if you receive after the post-photo issue take pictures for me. 同一机型机身与机翼的编码不要互换。 The same type of wing and fuselage Encoding not interchangeable. 我会知道这方面的误差在哪里。 I know this area where the error. 问题一定可以完美解决。 Will be able to solve the problem perfectly.

       7 A350机翼的问题。 7 A350 wing. 左右尾端有高低。 There are around the end of high and low. 现在我们对每一台机翼都从新定型(库存),也正在做1/50的模具,能否尽快寄一套机翼(标准)给我们。 Now we have every wing of the new type (stock), and are doing 1 / 50 of the mold, as soon as possible whether to send a set of wings (standard) to us. 当时的样品已经按需求寄回,我们复制的样品怕有误差,没有其他可以参照的资料。 At that time, according to the needs of the samples have been sent back, we fear that the sample copy of a margin of error, there is no other reference information.

       8 关于汇率的问题,4月份你来厦门时。 8 on the exchange rate issue in April when you come to Xiamen. 我们对人民币与美元持续升值的问题讨论过。 We RMB and the U.S. dollar continued to appreciate the problems discussed. 你关心的是欧元与美元的问题,当时我们把一份按美元定价折换成欧元定价的报价单给你参考,希望按欧元结算,但阁下不同意我的方案。 You are concerned about the euro and the dollar, then we have a discount price in United States dollars into the euro price quotations to you for information, according to the hope that the settlement of the euro, but I do not agree with you. 最后我们双方商定。 Finally, we agreed that the two sides. 还是按美元定价结算,付款时如果欧元对美元走高,按我们商定的1:154把高出的部分,作为补偿我们人民币升值的损失。 U.S. pricing or the settlement, the payment if the euro higher against the U.S. dollar, as we agreed to 1:154 of the above, our appreciation of the renminbi as compensation for the loss. 按美元的定价不能变,如果当时阁下你同意按欧元的定价结算付款,当然今天的汇率损失我们是没有意见的。 U.S. dollar pricing can not be changed, if you agree with you at that time by the euro's settlement price to pay, of course, today's exchange rate losses, we have no objection.


       三角翼(Delta wing)




       达美航空公司(Delta Air Lines, Inc.)是一家总部位于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大的航空公司。达美航空(通常简称达美航空,常被译为「三角洲航空」或「德尔塔航空」)。










       2006 Aprils 25s- The limited company of the aviation industry(group) in Harbin 232 airplane Lius pack the factory airplane rivet joint of the EC120 work segment a benchwork a worker now

       Train:Once had the limited company of the aviation industry(group) of 3 years at Harbin 232 airplane Lius to pack the career of factory practice before work.Once at Y-124 machines fixed wing airplane work, the work position was an aero son wing.Still have the motive delta wing the airplane, the work position is an aero delta wing.Once at the limited company of the aviation industry(group) in Harbin 215 factory skills added a car a work grow half year the work grew a benchwork and mainly fixed the R of Cuo spare parts

       Certificate:Airplane rivet joint benchwork(medium)

       Work: 2006 Aprils 25s- The limited company of the aviation industry(group) in Harbin 232 airplane Lius pack the factory airplane rivet joint of the EC120 work segment a benchwork now the worker got in the technical ability investigate in May, 2007 the 1st
