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life is a game攻略_lifeisagame攻略警察

ysladmin 2024-07-15 人已围观

简介life is a game攻略_lifeisagame攻略警察       现在,请允许我来为大家解答一些关于life is a game攻略的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些启示。关于life is a game攻略的讨论,我们开始吧。1.life

life is a game攻略_lifeisagame攻略警察

       现在,请允许我来为大家解答一些关于life is a game攻略的问题,希望我的回答能够给大家带来一些启示。关于life is a game攻略的讨论,我们开始吧。

1.life is a game����




life is a game攻略_lifeisagame攻略警察

life is a game����




       Recently, there is a growing trend for children to take part-time jobs in their spare time, and that has aroused a hot debate among people whether they would allow their children to have part-time jobs.

       People who against the part-time job have the following reasons. Firstly, it may take up most of their valuable time and have a bad effect on their study. Secondly, if children

       take part in improper jobs, they are likely to be care for immediate interest.It will also affect their overal development.

       However, as the proverb goes, "Every coin has its two sides." There also exists people who agree with part-time job with reasons. Firstly, it will widen their horizen and enlarge their knowledge which is different from school study. Secondly, it helps children to know more about living skills which is helpful to their futhure life. Last but not least, they will learn more about money through working and give up bad habit of not cherishing money.

       In my oppinion, the advantages of part-time job are outweighing the disadvantages. We should treat the school and part-time job as the same chance for children to develop

       their ability. The practice of knowlege will make the life of children more colorful.


       A Congratulation Letter

        June 29th,2009

       Dear James,

       I am glad to hear that you have passed the college entrance examination this summer, and you have been told to be accepted by Peking University by telephone. I was very proud of you when I heard this exiting news.

       It is imaginable that similarities and differeces exist in between life of senior school and university. For one thing, you should still work hard because the quantity of your major subjects are no less than your senior school subjects. On the other hand, teachers in senior school may tell what and how you should finish before of after classes, on the contrary, professors in university would hardly tell you what you should review before final examinations,and you should find out your study problems by your own effort.

       Although there are some difficulties in the near future, you should have a positive attitude towards university life.Because it is a certain way to success, you may overcome the difficulties if you would like to have a bright future.

       Best wishes,

        yours sincerely,



       原调bB调 选调C调


       I could be your sea of sand


       I could be your warmth of desire


       I could be your prayer of hope

       I could be your gift to everyday

       I could be your tide of heaven

       I could be a hint of what’s to come


       I could be ordinary


       I could be the one


       I could be your blue eyed angel

       I could be the storm before the calm

       I could be your secret pleasure

       I could be your well wishing well

       I could be your breath of life

       I could be your European dream

       I could be ordinary

       I could be the one


       Now I would lie here in the darkness


       Now I would lie here for all time


       Now I would lie here watching over you


       Comfort you


       Sing to you

       I could be your worry partner

       I could be your socialite

       I could be your green eyed monster

       I could be your force of light

       I could be your temple garden

       I could be your tender hearted child

       I could be ordinary

       I could be the one

       Now I would lie here in the darkness

       Now I would lie here for all time

       Now I would lie here watching over you

       Comfort you

       Sing to you


       Will I ever change the journey


       Will the hushed tones disappear


       Oh little Rita


       Let me hold you


       Oh little Rita


       Let me love you

       I could be your leafy island

       I could be your thunder in the clouds

       I could be your dark enclosure

       I could be your romantic soul

       I could be your small beginning

       I could be your suit in universe

       I could be ordinary

       I could be the one

       I could be ordinary

       I could be the one

       I could be ordinary

       I could be the one



       Em7-5 xx2333
















































       “善良就是黄金” 经典台词





























       30人不过一个行走的影子。 莎士比亚隽语钞































































































       好了,今天关于“life is a game攻略”的话题就到这里了。希望大家能够通过我的讲解对“life is a game攻略”有更全面、深入的了解,并且能够在今后的生活中更好地运用所学知识。