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       Avant-garde /ɑvɑ?gɑrd/ in French means front guard, advance guard, or vanguard. People often use the term in French and English to refer to people or works that are experimental or novel, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics.

       According to its champions, the avant-garde pushes the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm within definitions of art/culture/reality.

       The vanguard, a small troop of highly skilled soldiers, explores the terrain ahead of a large advancing army and plots a course for the army to follow. This concept is applied to the work done by small bands of intellectuals and artists as they open pathways through new cultural or political terrain for society to follow. Due to implied meanings stemming from the military terminology, some people feel the avant-garde implies elitism, especially when used to describe cultural movements.

       Thus avant-garde in music may refer to an extreme form of musical improvisation in which little or no regard is given by soloists to any underlying chord structure or rhythm.

       The term may also refer to the promotion of radical social reforms, the aims of its various movements presented in public declarations called manifestos. Over time, avant-garde became associated with movements concerned with art for art's sake, focusing primarily on expanding the frontiers of aesthetic experience, rather than with wider social reform.

       The origin of the application of this French term to art can be fixed at May 17, 1863, the opening of the Salon des Refusés in Paris, organised by painters whose work was rejected for the annual Paris Salon of officially sanctioned academic art. Salons des Refusés were held in 1874, 1875, and 1886.

       By some assessments, avant-garde art includes street art, for example graffiti and any other movement which pushes forward the accepted boundaries.

       For instance: Where Marcel Duchamp's urinal may have been avant-garde at the time, today if someone created it again it would not be avant-garde because it has already been done. Avant-garde is therefore temporal and relates to the process of art's unfolding in time. It can be applied to the forerunners of any new movements. However, Duchamp and his work, remain avant-garde because he pushed art forward.


       Proponents of the avant-garde argue it is relevant to art because without these movements art itself would stagnate and become dormant and merely craft, repeating the same style over and over. The term is most commonly applied to the visual arts, fashion, film, and literature, but also to intellectual and new approaches to music, cuisine, politics or culture.

       Avant-garde art movements

       Abstract expressionism






       Dogme 95







       Mail art



       No Wave


       Free Jazz

       Pop art


       Social realism



       Other examples of avant-garde

       Experimental film

       Experimental literature

       Experimental music

       Experimental theatre


       Molecular gastronomy


       Avant-garde artists

       Donatello (Renaissance sculptor; his later works can be considered avant-garde)

       The Residents (American Musicians and Filmmakers)

       Bj?rk (Icelandic artist)

       Graham Bowers (British artist and composer)

       Stan Brakhage (American filmmaker)

       Arksun (British composer and electronic music producer)

       John Coltrane (American Musician)

       Pavel Filonov (Russian artist)

       Wassily Kandinsky (Russian artist)

       Felix Kubin (German electronic musician, sound artist)

       Arcturus (band) (Norwegian metal band)

       Ved Buens Ende (Norwegian metal band)

       Buckethead (American musician)

       John Cage (American composer)

       William Carlos Williams (American poet)

       They Might Be Giants (American band)

       El Lissitzky (Russian artist)

       Kazimir Malevich (Russian artist)

       Marcel Duchamp (French artist)

       Edgard Varèse (French composer, later naturalized American citizen)

       Iannis Xenakis (Greek composer and architect)

       Charles Ives (American composer)

       Henry Cow (British band)

       Andy Warhol (American artist)

       Del the Funkee Homosapien (American lyricist)

       Sre?ko Kosovel (Slovene poet)

       Marc Chagall (Russian artist)

       Alexander Rodchenko (Russian artist)

       Olga Rozanova (Russian artist)

       David Lynch (American director)

       Jean-Luc Godard (French director)

       Roger Avary (American director)

       Kayo Dot (American avant-rock band)

       maudlin of the Well (American avant-metal band)

       Mike Patton (American musician)

       Vladimir Tatlin (Russian artist)

       Sergei Tretyakov (Russian artist)

       Frank Zappa (American composer), and his close friend, Captain Beefheart

       Nicolás Rosselló (Chilean artist)

       John Zorn (American musician and composer)

       Daniel Libeskind (American architect)

       Frank Gehry (Canadian architect)

       Plural Dolt (American band)

       Xihilisk (English artist)

       International Society for Creative Guitar and String Music (Avant arts and music collective)

       Man Ray (US/France photographer and filmmaker)

       Yoko Ono (Japanese artist)

       Karlheinz Stockhausen (German Electronic Musician)

       Terry Riley (American Minimalist Musician)

       Autechre (English IDM Music producers)

       Mouse on Mars (German IDM Music Producers)

       Mille Plateaux (German Avante-Garde music label)

       Pink Floyd (English band; Ummagumma)

       The Beatles (English band; Revolution 9)

       Mamoru Oshii (Japanise filmmaker)

       The Velvet Underground (American band)

       Patti Smith (American Artist)

       The Pea Tear Briggs Experience (American band)

       Einstürzende Neubauten (German industrial band)

       Architecture in Helsinki (Australian band)

       Laurie Anderson (American composer)

       Antonin Artaud (French playwright)

       Les Claypool (Founding member of rock band Primus)

       Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italian Director)

       Sonic Youth (American Rock Band)

       Anthony William Herndon (American artist)

       Melt-Banana (Japanese band)

       Yes (British Band)

       Mark E Smith

       John Lydon (in particular his work with PiL)

       先锋派(Avant-garde)原本是法语词,译成英文即front guard,advance guard,或vanguard,先锋派是其直译之意。人们经常用这词指涉新颖的或实验性的作品或人物,尤其是对于艺术、文化及政治的层面。

       先锋派将已被接受为规范的艺术/文化/现实界线向前推进,由于先锋派的心灵相信事物只会在现实的前沿(leading edge of reality)产生。



       这个用词也被用来指涉社会进步和重塑的促进,各个运动的不同目标发布为公众宣示的表现,称作“宣言”(manifestos)——最有名的例子:***宣言(The Communist Manifestos)。随著时间,先锋派逐渐与“为艺术而艺术”的运动连结在一起,主要的目标在扩展美学经验的新领域,而不是社会重造的运动。
















       激浪派(Fluxus )20世纪60年代前期从欧美发展起来的一个无政府主义的艺术思潮, 主张个人从生理的、精神的、 政治的压抑中解放出来, 反对权威, 反对把艺术家区别于一般人, 反对把艺术分成绘画、 雕塑等不同领域



       字母派 (Lettrisme )

       Mail art



       无浪潮 (No Wave )




       情境画家 (Situationist )









       Molecular gastronomy



       The Residents(美国音乐家和制片家)

       Stan Brakhage(美国制片家)


       Pavel Filonov(俄国艺术家)

       Wassily Kandinsky(俄国艺术家)


       Ved Buens Ende(挪威金属乐团)


       John Cage(美国作曲家)

       William Carlos Williams(美国诗人)

       El Lissitzky(俄国艺术家)

       Kazimir Malevich(俄国艺术家)

       Marcel Duchamp(法国艺术家)

       Edgard Varèse(法国作曲家,后成为美国公民)

       Iannis Xenakis(希腊作曲家和建筑师)

       Charles Ives(美国作曲家)

       Henry Cow(英国乐团)

       Andy Warhol(美国艺术家)

       Del the Funkee Homosapien(美国填词家)

       SreU+010D.ko Kosovel(斯洛文尼亚诗人)

       Marc Chagall(俄国艺术家)

       Alexander Rodchenko(俄国艺术家)

       Olga Rozanova(俄国艺术家)

       David Lynch(美国导演)

       Jean-Luc Godard(法国 导演)

       Roger Avary(美国导演)

       Kayo Dot(美国先锋派乐团)

       maudlin of the Well(美国先锋派金属乐团)

       Mike Patton(美国音乐家)

       Vladimir Tatlin(俄国艺术家)

       Sergei Tretyakov(俄国艺术家)

       Frank Zappa(美国作曲家)和他的好友Captain Beefheart

       Nicolás Rosselló(智利艺术家)

       John Zorn(美国音乐家和作曲家)

       Daniel Libeskind(美国建筑师)

       Frank Gehry(加拿大建筑师)

       Plural Dolt(美国乐团)


       International Society for Creative Guitar和String Music(先锋派艺术和music collective)

       Man Ray(美国/法国摄影师和制片家)


       Karlheinz Stockhausen(德国电子音乐家)

       Terry Riley(美国简约音乐家)


       Mouse on Mars(德国智慧舞曲制作人)

       Mille Plateaux(德国先锋派音乐厂牌)

       Pink Floyd(英国乐团)

       The Beatles(英国乐团)

       The Velvet Underground(美国乐团)

       Einstürzende Neubauten(德国工业乐团)

       Architecture in Helsinki(澳洲乐团)

       Laurie Anderson(美国作曲家)

       Antonin Artaud(法国剧作家)

       Les Claypool(金属乐团Primus创始会员)

       Pier Paolo Pasolini(意大利导演)

       Sonic Youth(美国摇滚乐团)


       这是一篇英国《卫报》网站上的文章(有点老,是去年的),作者是一名网站编辑。题目是China's one-party monopoly of power is coming to an end——怎么样?意识形态倾向够强了吧……



       The last month in China has seen a range of reactions to the rescue of several hundred slaves, including children, from Chinese brickyards. In the cities there was shock; in the villages, where the victims came from, people knew that kidnapping is neither a new nor an isolated phenomenon. In the , there was embarrassment: the existence of slavery cast something of a shadow over the party's current promise of a "harmonious society".

       There was another, more unexpected result: the Southern Metropolis Weekly published an interview with the writer Wu Si, who argued cogently that both local tyranny and slavery had a long history in China, and that neither would be eliminated without democracy and the rule of law. His argument was simple: historically these things happened because the good behaviour of officials had depended on the vigilance of their superiors. Today, he said, the core power structure remained unchanged. "It is," he said, "still an upwardly responsible pyramid." Just as in the Qing dynasty, slavery is illegal today, but the law is not just insufficiently specific, as the national lawyers' association pointed out this week, it is also ignored. And just as in the Qing dynasty, senior officials complained that subordinates took bribes to flout the law, lied to superiors and resorted to obfuscation and delay if ordered to enforce it.

       Many village heads are now elected in China, but, as Wu pointed out, the more powerful figure of the party secretary is not. "Democracy may not solve this problem," he said, "but a lack of democracy has caused it ... throw the crooks out by casting votes. And separation of powers, too, so that one individual can no longer mislead the public. An independent disciplinary department, an independent judiciary, an independent legislature." It is a measure of the 's wider problem of legitimacy that the Southern Metropolitan Weekly has not yet been closed down for heresy against the Communist party. Indeed, as the party prepares for its 17th congress this autumn, the word democracy is on the lips of the party elite; the difficulty is to determine what they mean by it.

       Two years ago, the Chinese published a white paper on democracy that opened with the stirring proposition that "democracy is an outcome of the development of political civilisation of mankind. It is also the common desire of people all over the world". Earlier this year the prime minister, Wen Jiabao, announced that "democracy, law, freedom and human rights" were not exclusive to capitalism.

       But the white paper went on to explain that "democracy with Chinese characteristics" had been the party's gift to the Chinese people and there is little sign that this has changed. On June 25, Hu Jintao, the party general secretary, told an audience at the Party School, the communists' most important thinktank, that "greater participation" by the people was desirable - as long as it did not jeopardise the party's rule.

       In Hu's view, wider consultation and a slightly wider franchise within the party for senior posts should just about do it. "Chinese characteristics" seem set to remain firmly in force. But this is unlikely to satisfy the demands of a population that has seen the promise of prosperity falter as the wealth gap widens and the rich and powerful pillage the public good. Outside party circles, the democracy discussion is much more radical.

       Nearly 25 years ago, Wei Jingsheng, an electrician from Beijing Zoo, shot to fame with his famous wall poster, the Fifth Modernisation, pasted on that briefly tolerated bulletin board of political debate, Democracy Wall. It was an open challenge to Deng Xiaoping, whose "four modernisations" announced his intention to liberalise China's socialist economy. When Wei argued that China would not be a modern country if it did not also modernise its political system, he paid for his temerity with many years in jail. Twenty-five years on, his argument is gaining ground.

       Last year a conference paper called for the party to split into two factions and contest elections. The author of that paper escaped sanctions. The party's conservative approach is unlikely to silence the growing number of voices who, like Wu, point out that the ills that afflict the legitimacy of party rule - corruption, arbitrary local tyranny and a legal system that remains firmly under the thumb of the powerful - are unlikely to be fixed from above. Authoritarian, top-down systems do not allow information to reach the head of the dinosaur with the speed required to allow leadership to run an effective , as the Qing emperors discovered. And even when news gets out, local officials are aware, as they always have been, that the emperor is far away.

       The difference is that increasing numbers of citizens know better. They are organising themselves into a bewildering range of pressure groups and action committees, despite restrictions on civic organisation, learning how to take action and pressure officials to obey the law of the land. In a growing number of articles, writers and intellectuals are challenging the proposition that the party has a divine right to the monopoly of political power - and the no longer feels able to silence them.

       · Isabel Hilton is editor of chinadialogue.net
