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business culture_business cultures听力

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business culture_business cultures听力

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business culture_business cultures听力





       加盟商机 -Joined business opportunities

       加盟优势 -Advantages of joining

       加盟方案 -Join the programme

       投资收益 -Investment income

       加盟问答 -Join quiz

       开业有礼 -Opening polite

       加盟流程 -Join process

       企业文化 -Corporate Culture

       品牌形象 -Brand

       精英团队 -Elite Force

       战略合作 -Strategic cooperation




        英 [klt(r)]

        美 [klt]


        culture 基本解释

        名词 文化; 养殖; [生物学](微生物等的)培养; 修养

        及物动词 培植,培养


        1. These two countries have different cultures.


        2. The culture of pearls is the mainstay of this county.


        3. He has studied the cultures of various western countries.


        4. He is a man of culture.



        1. Business ethics is a business culture that should be nurtured over the long term among CEOs.

        2. Even in the contemporary business culture, dedication to duty is cherished as one of the most important ethics.

        3. Business culture in China is unique in the sense that you really need to form guanxi.

        4. Foreign advertising agencies must forge closer understanding of local business culture to stay in the game.

        5. In fact, business is booming thanks to a revival of traditional culture over the past two decades.

        6. The travel manager's role is to put forward recommendations they feel best suits their organization's culture and business needs.

        7. The overarching goal is to establish a culture of IP protection awareness within your organization and among those with whom you do business.

        8. Changes in customer mix and business innovation are founded upon organisational structure and corporate culture.

        9. There are many people in China who specialize in culture, but what is the essence of Chinese culture?


        1. 文化,文明(如艺术、哲学)

        Culture consists of activities such as the arts and philosophy, which are considered to be important for the development of civilization and of people's minds.

        e.g. There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today.


        e.g. ...aspects of popular culture.


        2. 文化(尤指拥有特定信仰、生活方式或艺术形式的'社会或文明)

        A culture is a particular society or civilization, especially considered in relation to its beliefs, way of life, or art.

        e.g. ...people from different cultures...


        e.g. I was brought up in a culture that said you must put back into the society what you have taken out.


        3. 文化(某组织或群体的一致习惯和行为方式)

        The culture of a particular organization or group consists of the habits of the people in it and the way they generally behave.

        e.g. But social workers say that this has created a culture of dependency, particularly in urban areas...


        e.g. The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service.


       France's commercial culture from becomes a body.Receives comes from Northern Europe's date you graceful national and the south Latin race together influence, France's negotiations style in the world is unique. For example, the French is takes to relate, but simultaneously they also are carry out the individualism the country.In addition, although they do not like too directly proposing own viewpoint, but is very easy to have the dispute, and in negotiations process, if they have the different opinion, they can frank statement.Again has, although “the egalitarianism” a word comes from French, but France still was in the middle of the European country the society hierarchical system most obvious country. In other words, France's commercial superintendents pay great attention to the relations, the language has the rich connotation, simultaneously takes the social position, France's commercial culture indeed is extremely unusual, is each cultural characteristic combination.Certainly, any two treaters have not dealt with the issue the style are completely same, following some analyses can negotiate to you with the French has certain function. Business language.Although many commercial public figure English proficiency quite is all high, but France's business language is certainly a French.Certainly, the foreign buyer also may use English perhaps German, exports the merchant usually speaks French.The Parisian hears others to speak an inferior French time will feel is extremely uncomfortable.Corresponding, the written material and so on also all should use French writing, also should translate about yours product crucial material French. In Paris perhaps Lyons, very easy to find the good translation, but these cannot speak French the market merchant can discover they occupy the disadvantageous region.Although the native can listen to your French not to be nonstandard, you also must speak French diligently, even can make some grammatical error or have the foreign voice not to relate, once you speak French, the native can even more trust you. Exchange style.French's oral exchange and the non-language exchange quite is all common.They like arguing that, frequently carries on the warm discussion in the commercial meeting process.Comes from East Asia's these not to be accustomed to the national treater who face-to-face discusses did not must the behavior which likes to the French arguing have the misunderstanding, this behavior expresses the hostility. Language exchange.Although the French likes arguing, but they do not like expressing own directly viewpoint.They like quite subtly, the indirect language, likes with the flute Cull's -like logic, the exquisite expression and the massive rhetoric states own viewpoint.This is the French is accustomed to uses French to carry on one of negotiations reasons: Uses other languages to be very difficult to express French the splendid place. Non-language exchange.Between the friend and the relative, the French between contact quite are mutually many, even if in the public place also is so.Has once carried on one item in Paris and in London's cafe about the contact behavior comparison research, finally discovered, within an hour, France's husband and wife touches mutually achieves 100 many times, but England's husband and wife have not even bumped opposite party. When bilateral meeting and farewell time all needs to shake hand.French's hand signal all must be more than the Asian and the Anglo-Saxons people.In France, the thumb and the index finger encircle Cheng Quan to express “the zero”, when the thumb on fast curls upwards, expresses “OK”.The taboo posture includes: Stands with speaks with others, do not have the hand to place in the pocket, also do not have to grasp a hand the boxing to hit another hand the palm of the hand。

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