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       大家好,今天我将为大家详细介绍magna carta holy grail download的问题。为了更好地呈现这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来看看吧。

1.Jay-Z&Justin Timberlake的《Holy Grail》 歌词

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Jay-Z&Justin Timberlake的《Holy Grail》 歌词

       《Holy Grail》

       歌手:Jay-Z&Justin Timberlake

       所属专辑:《Magna Carta Holy Grail》



       You take the clothes off my back


       And I let you


       You steal the food right out of my mouth


       And I watch you eat it


       I still don't know why


       Why our love is so much




       You curse my name


       In spite to put me to shame


       Air all my laundry in the streets


       Dirty or clean


       Give it up for fame


       But I still don't know why


       Why I love it so much




       And Baby


       It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

       不可思议的是 我为你陷落迷津

       I just can't crack the code


       One day you screaming you love me loud


       The next day you're so cold


       One day you here, one day you there, one day you care

       你一时在这 一时在那 一时在乎

       You're so unfair sipping from the cup


       Till it runneth over, Holy Grail


       Blue told me to remind you niggas


       Fuck that shit y’all talk about


       I'm the nigga, caught up in all these lights and cameras

       我就是那黑鬼 交织在灯光与镜头间

       But look what that shit did to Hammer

       可是 瞧这东西对Hammer

       God-damnit it I like it


       The bright lights is enticing


       But look what it did to Tyson

       可是 瞧它对Tyson做了什么

       All that money in one night


       30 mill for one fight


       But soon as all the money blows, all the pigeons take flight


       Fuck the fame, keep cheating on me

       该死的名声 一再出卖着我

       What I do, I took her back, fool me twice

       而我却把她带回身边 一再愚弄自己

       That's my bad, I can't even blame her for that

       都是我的错 我无法责怪她

       Enough to make me wanna murder, Momma please just get my bail

       这足以让我想谋杀 , 妈妈帮我保释吧

       I know nobody to blame


       Kurt Cobain, I did it to myself

       我对自己做了这些,Kurt Cobain

       And we all just entertainers


       And we're stupid, and contagious

       我们愚钝 我们蔓延

       And we all just entertainers


       And Baby


       It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

       不可思议的是 我为你陷落迷津

       I just can't crack the code


       One day you screaming you love me loud


       The next day you're so cold


       One day you here, one day you there, one day you care

       你一时在这 一时在那 一时在乎

       You're so unfair sipping from the cup

       你如此不公 端杯酌饮

       Till it runneth over, Holy Grail


       Now I got tattoos on my body


       Psycho bitches in my lobby


       I got haters in the paper


       Photo shoots with paparazzi


       Can't even take my daughter for a walk


       See them by the corner store


       I feel like I'm cornered off


       Enough is enough


       I'm calling this off


       Who the fuck I'm kidding though?


       I'm getting high


       Sitting low


       Sliding by


       In that big body


       Curtains all in my window


       This fame hurt


       But this chain works


       I think back


       You asked the same person


       If this is all you had to deal with


       Nigga deal with

       黑鬼处理好它 这东西没用

       It, this shit ain't work


       This light work


       Camera snapping, my eyes hurt


       Niggas dying back where I was birthed


       Fuck your iris and IRS


       Get the hell up off of your high horse


       You got the shit that niggas die for


       Dry yours


       Why you mad


       Take the good with the bad


       Don't throw that baby out with the bath water


       You're still alive


       Still that nigga


       Niggas you survived


       You still getting bigger nigga

       黑鬼 你还在成长

       Living the life


       Vanilla wafers


       In a villa


       Illest nigga alive


       Michael Jackson thriller


       And Baby


       It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

       不可思议的是 我为你陷落迷津

       I just can't crack the code


       One day you screaming you love me loud


       The next day you're so cold


       One day you here, one day you there, one day you care

       你一时在这 一时在那 一时在乎

       You're so unfair sipping from the cup

       你如此不公 端杯酌饮

       Till it runneth over, Holy Grail

       享受至极 圣杯

       You get all around my love


       When never you need it


       And you take it then bring it my heart


       If so you can watch it please lose it


       Don't know why


       Why I Love you so much


       And you play this game


       And spit to drive me see


       I got drivest too much forever and an


       We get to name


       But I still don`t know why


       Why I love you so much


       And Baby


       It's amazing I'm in this maze with you


       I just can't crack the code


       One day you screaming you love me loud


       The next day you're so cold


       One day you here, one day you there, one day you care


       You're so unfair sipping from the cup


       Till it runneth over, Holy Grail


       《Holy Grail》是贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)和Jay-Z共同创作的歌曲,嘻哈风格鲜明。这首歌被Jay-Z录入专辑《Magna Carta Holy Grail》,并于美国时间2013年7月4号发行。

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