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简介matchless品牌       在接下来的时间里,我将尽力回答大家关于matchless品牌的问题,希望我的解答能够给大家带来一些思考。关于matchless品牌的话题,我们开始讲解吧。1.matchles




2.Beatles' home Cavern Club to land cruise liner这篇文章讲的是什么?


4.暑假作业:发现收集并记录生活中的英语 谁来帮忙?!!!!!



       The design of a comprehensive introduction to the insurance companies Taian VI system design. VI design is the most CIS and the spread of the infectious, CI is a non-visual content into static visual identifier, which is rich in the diversity of forms, On the most general level, the most direct communication, the media business philosophy, the establishment of corporate visibility, create a corporate image quick and easy path. The basic design of system design and application design of two parts, including the basic system design of a standard logo design, Font design standards, standard color design, logo design standards and the standard fonts portfolio design; Application Design Services involving office supplies type design, costume design category, the category of advertising design, environmental design category, Traffic type design and integrate companies and the cultural background, Taian Insurance Companies on the integrity and unity of the image recognition system VI system design, and strengthen brand image unified brand concept to the consumer a good corporate image, enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises, encourage enterprises to flourish.

Beatles' home Cavern Club to land cruise liner这篇文章讲的是什么?


       铃木(SUZUKI),成立于1920年,是一家日本的汽车制造企业。铃木商标图案中的 “S”是 “SUZUKI”的第一个大写字母,它给人以无穷力量的感觉,象征无限发展的铃木汽车公司。铃木向全世界的客户提供优质产品,并且向使用铃木产品的客户提供优质服务。



       杜卡迪(Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A., NYSE:DMH)成立于1926年,由创始人Antonio Cavalieri Ducati成立,是一家意大利摩托车生产商,总部位于意大利的博洛尼亚。其产品由于卓越的性能以及意大利特色的设计而闻名。


       KTM 是奥地利的一家生产摩托的厂商,1934年诞生,强项是越野摩托,性能卓越在多次越野赛事上拿过大奖。 在达喀尔上常常会有前五名选手都是驾驶KTM的战车的壮观景象出现。?1934年KTM 诞生在奥地利的Mattighofen。和汽车组日本车队一边倒不同,1998年,KTM首次参加第20届DAKAR,包揽了第二名到第十二名。


       哈雷摩托是由哈雷戴维森摩托车公司(Harley-Davidson Motor Company)生产的摩托车品牌,创始于1903年,由威廉·哈雷(William Harley)和戴维森(Davidson)三兄弟在密尔沃基创建。主要车型有SOFTAIL 软尾车系、TOURING 旅行车系、DYNA 戴纳车系、Sportster运动者车系。


       豪爵摩托是中国名牌、中国驰名商标,旗下有十几个系列、一百多个款式豪爵经典品种—钻豹的摩托车产品,多年来一直是国内摩托车第一品牌。旗下有许多国内驰名的产品子品牌,如:钻豹、骊爽、迪爽、锐爽EN、悦冠、GN太子、银豹、KA 天龙星、海王星、福星、悦星、天鹰、天玉、喜运、宇钻、红宝等,以及高级跑车gw250骊驰。

       百度百科-铃木 (日本汽车制造公司)






       LONDON, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- It was a small basement club that changed the


       world of music in the western world more than half a century ago.


       Today hundreds of thousands of people make the pilgrimage every year to visit


       the Cavern Club in Liverpool, where one of the most popular pop groups ever, the


       Beatles, had teenage girls in early 1960s dancing and screaming to a new era of




       A replica of the Cavern will soon be attracting a new generation of club


       goers aboard one of the world's biggest cruise liners.


       The Cavern will be taken to the high seas as an attraction on the Norwegian


       Cruise Line's 4,228-passenger liner, MS Norwegian Epic.


       An exclusive deal between the owners of the Cavern Club and the cruise line


       company was signed Tuesday night at the venue in Liverpool's Mathew Street,


       epicenter of the Cavern Quarter in the city centre.


       Club owners said the deal was a case of "having a foot in the past and a hand


       in the future."


       As part of the contract the Cavern Club, where live music is still played


       every day, will supply talented groups to play at the new floating Cavern.


       The cruise company said it had undertaken intensive research before deciding


       the Cavern Club and The Beatles had a matchless appeal to European and American


       guests, far beyond any other international music venue.


       The plan is to create the new Cavern Club at sea, with its


       authentically-replicated trademark brick arches, when the 155,000 gross tonne


       Norwegian Epic heads to a French shipyard in France in 2015 to be refitted.


       The first visits to the new Cavern will dance the night away from next


       October when the Epic starts cruising from Barcelona.


       Francis Riley, Norwegian Cruise Line vice president international, said: "The


       Cavern and the Beatles transcend all nationalities, backgrounds and generations,


       as we found out when we tested the idea with a series of shows onboard our


       ships. The kids have as much fun as the adults as this is lovely music which all


       people like."


       In the 1960s the so-called Mersey beat exploded onto the music scene, with a


       distinctive brand of music headed by the Beatles, heralded even today as "four


       lads who shook the world."


       From the dark underground brick cellar where they attracted scores of fans


       the group shot to worldwide fame, conquering the United States in 1964, leading


       to a host of events this year to mark the 50th anniversary of their first tour


       "across the pond."



暑假作业:发现收集并记录生活中的英语 谁来帮忙?!!!!!






       "Billions and billions served." (On their signs)

       "One in a billion."

       Other ad slogans by year:

       1960s - "Look for the Golden Arches "

       1967 - "McDonald's is Your Kind of Place "

       1971 - "You Deserve a Break Today" (Needham, Harper & Steers, 1971)

       1975 - "We Do it All for You"

       1975 - "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun."

       1976 - "You, You're The One "

       1979 - "Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald's Can"

       1980/1981 - "You Deserve a Break Today"

       1981 - "Nobody Makes Your Day Like McDonald's Can"

       1983 - "McDonald's and You"

        - "It's a Good Time for the Great Taste of McDonald's"

       1988 -"Good Time, Great Taste, That's Why This is My Place"

       1990 -" Food, Folks and Fun"

       1991 - "McDonald's Today"

       1992 -"What You Want is What You Get"

       1995 - "Have You Had your Break Today?"

       1997 - "My McDonald's"

       1997 - "Did Somebody Say McDonald's"

       2000 - "We Love to See You Smile"

       2003 - "I'm lovin' it"

       2005 - "I'd Hit it" (Internet Banner Ad)

       Foreign campaigns

       2001 - "There's a little McDonald's in Everyone (Canada)

       2001 - "Things that make you go 'mmm' " (Australia & Great Britain)

       2.美国大都会保险公司广告(Met life)

       "Have you met life today?"

       3.Milky Way 糖果公司广告

        "At work, rest and play, you get three great

        tastes in a Milky Way" (1978)


       "Image is everything."


       Coke slogans for the past 100+ years.


        "Drink Coca-Cola"

       1900 "Deliciously refreshing"

       "For headache and exhaustion drink Coca-Cola"

       1904 "Coca-Cola is a delightful, palatable,

        healthful beverage"

       "Coca-Cola satisfies"

       "Delicious and refreshing"

       "Drink Coca-Cola in bottles - 5?"

       1905 "Drink a bottle of carbonated Coca-Cola"

       "Coca-Cola revives and sustains"

       "Drink Coca-Cola at soda fountains"

       "The favorite drink for ladies when thirsty,

        weary, and despondent"

       "Good all the way down"

       "Flows from every fountain"

       "Sold in bottles"

       1906 "The drink of quality"

       "The Great National Temperance Drink"

       "Thirst quenching - delicious and refreshing"

       1907 "Delicious Coca-Cola, sustains, refreshes,


       "Cooling... refreshing... delicious."

       "Coca-Cola is full of vim, vigor and go - is

        a snappy drink"

       1908 "Sparkling - harmless as water, and crisp

        as frost."

       "The satisfactory beverage"

       "Get The Genuine"

       1909 "Delicious, wholesome, refreshing"

       "Delicious, wholesome, thirst quenching."

       "Drink delicious Coca-Cola."

       "Whenever you see an arrow think of Coca-Cola."

       1910 "Drink bottled Coca-Cola - so easily served."

       "It satisfies."

       "Quenches the thirst as nothing else can."

       1911 "It's time to drink Coca-Cola."

       "Real satisfaction in every glass."

       1912 "Demand the genuine - refuse substitutes."

       1913 "Ask for it by its full name - then you will

        get the genuine."

       "The best beverage under the sun."

       "It will satisfy you."

       "A welcome addition to any party -

        anytime - anywhere."

       1914 "Demand the genuine by full name."

       "Exhilarating, refreshing."

       "Nicknames encourage substitutions."

       "Pure and wholesome."

       1915 "The standard beverage."

       1916 "It's fun to be thirsty when you can get

        a Coca-Cola."

       "Just one glass will tell you."

       1917 "Three million a day."

       "The taste is the test of the Coca-Cola quality."

       "There's a delicious freshness to the flavor of Coca-Cola."

       1919 "Coca-Cola is a perfect answer to thirst that

        no imitation can satisfy."

       "It satisfies thirst."

       "Quality tells the difference."

       1920 "Drink Coca-Cola with soda."

       "Delicious and refreshing."

       "The hit that saves the day."

       1922 "Quenching thirst everywhere."

       "Thirst knows no season."

       "Thirst can't be denied."

       "Thirst reminds you - drink Coca-Cola."

       1923 "Refresh yourself."

       "A perfect blend of pure products from nature."

       "There's nothing like it when you're thirsty."

       1924 "Pause and refresh yourself."

       1925 "Six million a day."

       "The sociable drink."

       "Stop at the red sign and refresh yourself."

       1926 "Thirst and taste for Coca-Cola are the

        same thing."

       "Stop at the red sign.

       "Coca-Cola is the shortest distance between

        thirst and refreshment"

       1927 "Around the corner from anywhere."

       "At the little red sign."

       1928 "A pure drink of natural flavors."

       1929 "The pause that refreshes." (D'Arcy Co., 1929)

       1930 "Meet me at the soda fountain."

       1932 "Ice-cold sunshine."

       "The drink that makes the pause refreshing."

       1933 "Don't wear a tired, thirsty face."

       1934 "Carry a smile back to work."

       "Ice-cold Coca-Cola is everywhere else -

        it ought to be in your family refrigerator."

       "When it's hard to get started, Start with

        a Coca-Cola."

       1935 "The drink that keeps you feeling right."

       "All trails lead to ice-cold Coca-Cola."

       "The pause that brings friends together."

       1936 "What refreshment ought to be."

       "Get the feel of wholesome refreshment."

       "It's the refreshing thing to do."

       1937 "America's favorite moment."

       "Cold refreshment."

       "So easy to serve and so inexpensive."

       "Stop for a pause... go refreshed."

       1938 "Anytime is the right time to pause and refresh."

       "At the red cooler."

       "The best friend thirst ever had."

       "Pure sunlight."

       1939 "Coca-Cola goes along."

       "Make lunch time refreshment time."

       "Makes travel more pleasant."

       "The drink everybody knows."

       "Thirst stops here."

       1940 "Bring in your thirst and go away without it."

       "The package that gets a welcome at home."

       "Try it just once and you will know why."

       "Work refreshed"

       1941 "A stop that belongs on your daily timetable."

       "Completely refreshing."

       1942 "The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself. "

       "Refreshment that can't be duplicated."

       "Wherever you are, whatever you do, wherever

        you may be, when you think refreshment, think

        ice-cold Coca-Cola."

       1943 "That extra something."

       "A taste all its own."

       "The only thing like Coca-Cola is

        Coca-Cola itself."

       "It's the real thing."

       1944 "How about a Coke."

       "High sign of friendship."

       "A moment on the sunnyside."

       1945 "Whenever you hear "Have a Coke," you hear

        the voice of America."

       "Passport to refreshment."

       "Happy moment of hospitality."

       "Coke means Coca-Cola."

       1947 "Coke knows no season."

       "Serving Coca-Cola serves hospitality."

       "Relax with the pause that refreshes."

       1948 "Delicious and refreshing."

       "Where there's Coca-Cola there's hospitality."

       "Think of lunchtime as refreshment time."

       1949 "Coca-Cola...along the highway to anywhere"

       1950 "Help yourself to refreshment."

       1951 "Good food and Coca-Cola just naturally

        go together"

       1952 "Coke follows thirst everywhere."

       "The gift of thirst.

       "What you want is a Coke"

       1953 "Dependable as sunrise."

       1954 "For people on the go."

       "Matchless flavor."

       1955 "Almost everyone appreciates the best."

       "America's preferred taste."

       1956 "Feel the difference."

       "Friendliest drink on earth."

       "Makes good things taste better."

       "Coca-Cola...making good things taste better."

       1957 "Sign of good taste."

       1958 "Refreshment the whole world prefers."

       "The cold, crisp taste of Coke."

       1959 "Cold, crisp taste that deeply satisfies."

       "Make it a real meal."

       "Be really refreshed"

       1960 "Relax with Coke."

       "Revive with Coke."

       1961 "Coke and food - refreshing new feeling."

       1963 "A chore's best friend."

       "Things go better with Coke."

       1964 "You'll go better refreshed."

       1965 "Something more than a soft drink."

       1966 "Coke...after Coke...after Coke."

       1970 "It's the real thing." (McCann-Erickson, 1970)

       1971 "I'd like to buy the world a Coke."

       "I'd like to buy the world a home

       and furnish it with love,

       Grow apple trees and honey bees,

       and snow white turtle doves.

       I'd like to teach the world to sing

       in perfect harmony,

       I'd like to buy the world a Coke

       and keep it company."

       [Repeat the last two lines, and in the background:]

       It's the real thing, Coke is what

       the world wants today.

       1975 "Look up America."

       1976 "Coke adds life."

       1979 "Coke is it!"

       "Have a Coke and a smile."

       1985 "We've got a Taste for You." (Coca-Cola

        and Coca-Cola classic)

       "America's Real Choice."

       1986 "Catch the wave (Coca-Cola)

       "Red White & You." (Coca-Cola classic)

       1989 "Can't beat the feeling."

       1990 "Can't beat the real thing."

       1993 "Taste it all."

       "Always Coca-Cola."

        (Creative Artists Agency, 1993)

       1998 "Thirsty for life? Drink Coca-Cola!"

       2000 "Coca-Cola Enjoy"


        "Life tastes good"

        Great Coke TV Commercial Moments

       "Hey Kid! Catch!" (Mean Joe Greene tosses his football jersey to a little boy)

       Coca-Cola (Diet) “How can just one calorie taste so good?”

        (1964 Tab ad)

       “Not so sweet with just one crazy calorie”

        (1966.Tab ad)

       "Just for the taste of it, Diet Coke"

       "You are what you drink" (1997)
